Spiritual Formation Exercise #3 - Explain and Defend Your Faith

Spiritual Formation Exercise

This spiritual formation exercise involves explaining your faith to a person who doesn't appear to be a Christian and answering the questions they have. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "...always being prepared to make a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you..."

If the Lord permits, talk to the same person you met in the previous exercise. Tell him that since you know his story now, you would like to share your own story with him or her. Explain your spiritual pilgrimage. Be brief, but include the most important aspects. Make sure you include the key points of the gospel: We are sinners, and Jesus came to live a perfect life in our place, died for our sins on the cross and rose again. Then ask if he has any questions or concerns about what you believe. Try to formulate answers as best you can, but don't feel that you have to know all the answers. We can't convert a person with arguments. Only the Lord can open his mind and heart and give him faith. The last sentence of 1 Peter 3:15 says, "...but do it with meekness and reverence."

Note: If for some reason it doesn't work out to talk again with the same non-believer, you can talk to another non-believer, or as a last resort, practice this conversation with another believer.

Journal of reflections

Consider the following points:

1. Write down how the conversation went. How did the person respond? What are the questions he asked you? How did you answer them?

2. What did you learn through this exercise?

3. How has sharing and defending your faith affected you spiritually?