Glossary for Lessons 1-4

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inaugurated eschatology

view of the end times that says the age to come has begun (been "inaugurated"), but hasn't yet come in all its fullness; the "already, not yet"

individual eschatology

the study of how individual human beings experience the events of the last days (e.g. - life, death, intermediate state, etc.)



the theological term used to describe Jesus' act of veiling his divine glory during his first advent


moral ability

the idea that regenerate human beings have the capacity to please God and merit his blessings

moral inability

the idea that that unregenerate human beings have no capacity to please God or merit his blessings



belief that most prophecies in the book of Revelation were fulfilled in the first century after Christ's birth


theological term for "the first gospel" or the first promise of redemption found in Genesis 3:15



recreated or reborn; spiritually renewed



Jewish sect at the time of Christ that adhered to the written law and did not believe in the resurrection of the dead


Hebrew term (transliteration) used in the Old Testament to refer to the place of departed spirits, both the righteous and the wicked (e.g. - Psalm 9:17)

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