Glossary for Lessons 1-4

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the age to come

'olam habbah' in Hebrew, a phrase used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the future age of righteousness, love, joy and peace that would follow the exile; time when all of God's purposes will be fulfilled; also known as “the last days,” “the kingdom of God,” and "the age of a new covenant"

the final judgment

the eschatological event when God will formally declare the guilt of all his enemies and the innocence of all who are in Christ

the great tribulation

a time when demons will empower false prophets to perform misleading signs and wonders

the millennium

the eschatological period of Christ's reign mentioned in Revelation 20:2-7

this age

'olam hazeh' in Hebrew, a phrase used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the present age of sin, suffering and death



not recreated or reborn; spiritually dead



in the Ancient Near East, a king or nation that must submit to a more powerful emperor or king (suzerain)

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