Instructions for Lesson 7


1. Read chapter 5 of The Certainty of the Faith and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

2. Take Quiz 13 on the chapter.

3. Watch Video I: "Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical," Tim Keller (58 mins). Consider the questions below as you watch the video. 

a. What arguments of Tim Keller were especially helpful? 

b. Do you think he could have dealt with any issue better? If so, explain how.

c. How would you describe his apologetic method?

d. What can we learn from the way Tim Keller dialogues with people?

4. Read chapter 6 of The Certainty of the Faith and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

5. Take Quiz 14 on the chapter.

6. Participate in the Student Forum.

7. Do Spiritual Formation Exercise #4.


آخر تعديل: Monday، 2 October 2023، 11:37 AM