Instructions for Lesson 4

In this lesson, we will look at science, math, and the arts. Without pretending to give answers for specific situations, we will take some initial steps toward finding biblical principles related to these topics, as examples of how to develop a more consistent Christian worldview.


1. Read chapter 7 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

2. Watch Video E: A Christian Worldview of Mathematics, Vern Poythress (4 mins).

3. Take Quiz 7.

4. Read chapter 8 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

5. Watch Video F: "Discovering God through the Arts," Terry Glaspey (46 mins). Consider the questions below as you watch the video. 

a. What are the most important points that Terry Glaspey makes in this video?

b. Do you think he defended his point of view effectively? Are there any points that he could have explained better?

c. What do we learn from Terry Glaspey about developing a Christian worldview in this video?

6. Take Quiz 8.

7. Take Exam #1: Christian Worldview. We recommend you review the material from the chapters of Intellectual Integrity before taking the exam.

8. Participate in the Student Forum.

9. Participate in meeting #2 with your mentor, following the instructions.


10. Written Project #1. Do steps 7 and 8, completing the project,

If you are studying for some institution, you may be required to submit this assignment to them at the end of the course. 


Последнее изменение: Monday, 2 October 2023, 11:21