Instructions for Lesson 3

In this lesson, we will look at politics and economics. Without pretending to give answers for specific situations, we will take some initial steps toward finding biblical principles related to these topics, as examples of how to develop a more consistent Christian worldview.


1. Read chapter 5 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

2. Take Quiz 5.

3. Read chapter 6 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

4. Take Quiz 6.

5. Listen to the audio of Video D: "Arguing About Politics," Timothy Keller (45 mins). Consider the questions below as you listen. 

a. What are the points made by Tim Keller that were especially helpful for you?

b. Are there any issues you think he could have dealt with better? Why?

c. What can you learn from this video for your own life and ministry?

6. Participate in the Student Forum.

7. Do Spiritual Formation Exercise #2.


8. Complete steps 5 and 6 of Written Project #1.

9. Read around 50 pages of The Reason for God.

Last modified: Monday, 2 October 2023, 11:22 AM