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Instructions for Lesson 1

Lesson 1

In this lesson we show the need to develop a "Christian mind", not fragmented but coherent, integrating your faith and biblical presuppositions with every aspect of thought and life (Romans 12:2). We address the challenge of fulfilling the cultural mandate (Genesis 1:28) and the mandate to "take every thought captive to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). This begins with gaining a better understanding of the Christian concept of truth.


1. Watch Video A: “What's Your Worldview?," (4 mins) Jot down notes for writing your reflections later in the course.

2. Watch Video B: “Understanding the 'sacred secular split'," Nancy Pearcey (4 mins) Take notes for writing your reflections later in the course.

3. Obtain the main text for the first four lessons of the course: Intellectual Integrity. (See "Instructions for Obtaining the Texts". )

4. Download the study guide for Intellectual Integrity (See the folder of "Resources to Download").

5. Read the preface and chapter 1 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

6. Take Quiz 1 on the first chapter.

(Note: The quizzes can be taken a second time, and the official grade will be the average of the two attempts. Some of the questions will be different each time.)

7. Read chapter 2 of Intellectual Integrity and answer the review questions and reflection questions in the study guide.

8. Take Quiz 2 on the chapter.

(Remember: The quizzes can be taken a second time, and the official grade will be the average of the two attempts. Some of the questions will be different each time.)

9. Participate in the Student Forum, following the instructions.

10. Do Spiritual Formation Exercise #1 and submit your reflections.


If you are studying the course for some church or academic institution, they may require additional assignments. We suggest the following options. Thirdmill cannot evaluate these assignments; they should be submitted to the institution that requires them.

11. Read the instructions for Written Project #1 and complete steps 1 and 2.

13. Read around 75 pages of The Reason for God. Take notes in preparation for writing the review later in the course.

Last modified: Monday, 2 October 2023, 11:24 AM