Instructions for Lesson 1



Before starting the lesson, you should obtain the following resources: a) The lecture for this lesson, either in the form of video, audio file, or manuscript. See the link for the lesson. b) The "Section Study Guides" for the course. Find them under "General Resources to Download for the Course," also found in the section "General Resources." You should download this document with the study guides onto your computer, in order to use them for studying the lectures. 

The lesson is divided into the following sections:

1) The Definition of Theology 
2) The Goals of Theology 
3) The Topics of Theology

Goals and Objectives


In this lesson, we would like to accomplish the following:

1. We hope you will make use of all the resources and activities of the lesson to learn the proper nature and purpose of theology.

2. We hope you make some changes in your life as a response to the teachings of this lesson. It should change the way you do theology and analyze theology, taking into account orthodoxy, orthopraxis, and orthopathos.


When you have done the following, it will show that the goals are met:

1. Obtain satisfactory grades on the tests, demonstrating that you can identify different ways of defining theology, and that you can distinguish the significance of orthodoxy, orthopraxis, and orthopathos in the task of theology.

2. Complete the study guides, showing how you apply what you learned in the lesson to analyze the perspectives of different authors, taking into account orthodoxy, orthopraxis, and orthopathos.




1. Study the first section of the lesson. (Segments 1-7) 

Remember: You can study the lesson by watching the video, listening to the audio, or reading the manuscript.

2. Use Study Guide 1.1 to assimilate the teaching. Use the outline for taking notes, answer the review questions, and answer the application questions.   

3. Take Quiz 1.1.


1. Study section 2 of the lesson, using Study Guide 1.2.  (Segments 8-13)

2. Take Quiz 1.2.


1. Study section 3 of the lesson, using Study Guide 1.3. (Segments 14-16)

2. Take Quiz 1.3. 


1. Review all the study guides of the lesson, preparing for the test on the whole lesson. 

2. Take the Cumulative Test.


1. Complete the Supplementary Lesson.

2. Complete the Questionnaire.

3. Begin working on the required reading. (See the section, "Required Reading.")


1. Written Project

If you are doing the optional written project, read "Instructions, Optional Written Project" shown in the "Optional Activities" section of this lesson. For this lesson, do the percentage of work on this assignment that corresponds to the number of lessons in the course.

2. Essay Questions

If you are doing this assignment, read "Instructions, Essay Questions" shown in the "Optional Activities" section of this lesson. Answer the questions that correspond to this lesson.

3. Journal Questions

If you are doing this assignment, read "Instructions, Journal Questions" shown in the "Optional Activities" section of this lesson. Answer the questions that correspond to this lesson.

4. Optional Additional Reading

If you are doing this assignment, read "Instructions, Optional Additional Reading" shown in the "Optional Activities" section of this lesson. For this lesson, do the percentage of work on this assignment that corresponds to the number of lessons in the course.

Последнее изменение: Thursday, 2 April 2020, 11:22