Optional: Instructions for Written Project #2

Optional Written Project #2

If you are studying the course for some church or academic institution, they may require additional assignments. We suggest the following option. Thirdmill cannot evaluate this assignment; it should be submitted to the institution that requires it.

For the optional Written Project #2, write a dialogue with a hypothetical non-Christian. This is not a theological essay, but an imaginary dialogue. Give the person a name and write out the conversation, like the dialogue for a play. The paper should be 6 pages long. The dialogue should show that you understand the thinking of the imaginary non-Christian and that you can put into practice what you have studied in the course.

Step 1: Think of a person with a particular view of life, with certain beliefs about the world, about man, about whether God exists, about morality, religion and other things. Think how you would dialogue with this person to explain and defend your Christian faith. Write down the main beliefs of this person and jot down some initial ideas.

Step 2. Do research on the beliefs you have assigned to the imaginary non-Christian, in order to know how to dialogue with this person. 

Step 3. Write the first draft of the dialogue. Remember that this is dialogue like a play, not an essay. 

Step 4: Go over the dialogue and make corrections and modifications. Read it out loud and polish it until you are satisfied with the final version.

Last modified: Monday, October 2, 2023, 11:29 AM