Glossary for Lessons 1-4
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
B |
Basil of Caesareatheologian who lived from A.D. 330 to 379 and authored "De Spiritu Sancto" (On the Holy Spirit) | |
C |
Cessationistthe view that the spectacular gifts belonged to an earlier age of history, and that they ended with that earlier age | |
Continuationistthe view that the spectacular gifts belong to the entire church age, and that they won't end until Jesus returns | |
Conversionthe beginning stages of salvation | |
Convictionawareness of the guilt and wrongness of our sin | |
E |
Economicthe perspective on the Trinity that refers to how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit interact with one another, especially as it pertains to creation | |
H |
Historia salutisthe history of salvation, or God's saving events and actions that accomplish salvation for his people | |
I |
Illuminationa divine gift of knowledge or understanding that's primarily cognitive | |
Indwellingwhen considering our ongoing salvation, the Holy Spirit's special presence within, and spiritual union with, believers | |
Intercessionpetitioning the Father on behalf of believers | |
Inward leadinga divine gift of knowledge or understanding that is primarily emotive or intuitive | |
J |
John Owenthe Puritan writer and theologian who lived from 1616 to 1683 and spoke of the Holy Spirit's creative power in his book, "A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit" | |
Justificationin systematic theology, God's legal declaration acquitting a sinner from the guilt of his or her sin and crediting him or her with the righteousness of Christ | |
M |
Mechanical inspirationthe belief that the Holy Spirit so controlled the human authors that the men had little to no creative input into Scripture (also called "dictation theory") | |
N |
Natural revelationknowledge of God that comes through the ordinary workings of the natural world and providence, including every creature, object, substance and principle in creation | |
O |
Ontologicalthe perspective on the Trinity that refers to being and existence | |
Ordo salutisthe order of salvation, or the logical and chronological order in which the Holy Spirit applies the various aspects of salvation to individual believers | |
P |
Pneumatologythe study of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity | |
Preservationin systematic theology, the Holy Spirit's continuous, gracious work of ensuring that believers persevere in faith until their salvation is complete | |
ProvidenceGod's work of governing and upholding all creation, including creatures, actions and things | |
R |
Regenerationin systematic theology, recreation or rebirth | |
RevelationGod's work of making himself known to human beings | |
Romantic inspirationthe belief that the Holy Spirit simply motivated the human authors to write, much like an artist might be "inspired" or motivated by a great idea or a beautiful landscape | |
RuachHebrew word for wind or breath | |
S |
Sanctificationthe act of making people and things holy | |
Septuagintthe Greek translation of the Old Testament | |
Soteriologythe doctrine of salvation | |
Spiritual giftsmanifestations of the Holy Spirit's power that produce or enhance abilities in human beings, especially to benefit the church | |
Supernatural revelationknowledge of God that comes directly from God, or from his messengers, including miracles, prophecy, the inspiration of Scripture, and every other divine intervention and extraordinary work of providence | |
T |
TrinityGod is three persons, but only one essence. | |