Glossary for Lessons 1-5
Glossary for Lessons 1-5. SCROLL DOWN to review key names and terms. You may also search for a term by clicking on its first letter below.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
Aaron Family of the tribe of Levi, from whom the official priests came | |
AdamThe first "prophet," who received God’s revelation by walking and talking with Him | |
Atonement A sacrifice made to remove the guilt of sin and reconcile the sinner with God | |
C |
Chalcedon City where a council was held that resulted in a creed that expresses that Jesus was "truly God and truly man," and that His two natures were distinct. | |
ChristMeans "Anointed one." Comes from the translation of the Hebrew word "Messiah." | |
ChurchThe core of God’s kingdom on earth in the present age. A principal instrument to establish the kingdom. | |
Cultural mandate Command to fill the earth and subdue it, turning the whole creation into something for God's glory | |
CyrusThe Persian emperor who decreed that the Israelites could return to the Promised Land | |
D |
David Old Testament king of Israel who received the promise that his descendant would sit on the throne and reign forever. | |
Depravity Refers to man's sinful nature after the Fall. | |
Donkey Animal used by ancient kings during a time of peace | |
E |
EconomicTerm that means "relating to household management." It is used to refer to the Trinity when speaking of how the three persons relate to each other. | |
Elijah Appeared with Moses at Jesus' transfiguration. | |
Eternal counselRefers to God's plans for the universe which were set before His work of creation. | |
Expiation The removal of the guilt of sin | |
F |
ForeknowledgeRefers to God's knowledge, prior to creation, of events that would occur in the course of history. | |
H |
Hypostatic unionRefers to the fact that Jesus is one person with two distinct natures (a divine nature and a human nature) with each nature retaining its own attributes. | |
I |
Immanuel Name given to Jesus that means "God with us" | |
ImputationWhen speaking of Jesus, it means the act in which God assigned the guilt of sinners to the person of Christ. | |
Incarnation Refers to Jesus' permanent assumption of a human nature. | |
Intercession Mediation or petitioning for favor on another’s behalf | |
J |
Jethro Moses' father-in-law who functioned as a priest when he counseled Moses about organizing the people | |
Judah Tribe of Israel that received the promise that the eternal king would come from them. David was of this tribe. | |
L |
Levi Tribe of Israel from which the priests and all who served in the priestly ceremonies came | |
M |
Melchizedec King of Salem, and priest of God, who blessed Abram and received tithes from him. Jesus was said to be a priest in his order. | |
Messiah Hebrew word meaning "Anointed one." Translated into Greek as "Christos." | |
Moses The prophet who administered the Ten Commandments and the Book of the Covenant | |
O |
OntologicalTerm that means "related to being." It is used to refer to the Trinity when speaking of the fact that all three persons possess divine attributes. | |
P |
Passion When speaking of Jesus, it refers to His suffering and death. | |
Priest A person who mediates between God and His people so that God will receive them into His special holy presence to grant them His blessing | |
Prophet God’s covenant ambassador who proclaims and applies God’s word, especially to warn of judgment against sin and to encourage the kind of loyal service to God that leads to his blessings | |
PropitiationThe satisfaction of God’s justice and wrath against sin | |
R |
Rehoboam Son of Solomon. The kingdom was divided when he was ruling. | |
Repentance Turning from sin toward Jesus | |
S |
Saul First official king over the nation of Israel | |
SessionTechnical word in theology for Jesus'ongoing rule and governing from the place of majesty and power in heaven | |
Solomon King who supervised the building of the first temple in Jerusalem | |
SuzerainA powerful emperor that ruled over smaller nations | |
T |
Trinity Theological term used to express the fact that God is one essence in three persons. | |
V |
Vassals Smaller nations ruled by more powerful nations | |
Y |
Yahweh Name often used for God in the Old Testament, often translated as "Lord." It comes from the phrase, "I am that I am." | |