Glossary for Lessons 1-4
Glossary based on terms and names from all 4 lessons.
Browse the glossary using this index
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
C |
CyprusIsland in the Mediterranean where Paul visited on his first missionary journey | |
E |
EphesusCity in Asia Minor where Paul visited on his third missionary journey. The first converts there were disciples of John the Baptist. He stayed there two years. | |
EschatologyTraditionally understood in theology as the study of events surrounding the second coming of Christ, but also understood in a broader sense as the study of the stages of redemption | |
EutychusWhile Paul was preaching in Troas on his third journey, he fell asleep, fell out of a window and died. Later Paul miraculously revived him. | |
G |
GalatiaRegion of Asia Minor where Paul visited on his first missionary journey, and to which he wrote his first letter | |
GentileNon-Jewish person, considered "pagan" by the Jews | |
H |
Historia SalutisTheological term for the order of salvation as it is worked out in history | |
I |
IshmaelSon of Abraham and Hagar, who represented seeking salvation by human effort | |
J |
JerusalemCity where important council was held in the middle of the first century to deal with the problem of keeping the Mosaic law | |
JoyFruit of the Spirit that was missing among the Galatians (Gal. 4:15) | |