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Achan Man who sinned by secretly keeping some of the plunder from Jericho |
Ai The second city that Israel attacked in Canaan |
Amorites Another name for the Canaanites |
Assyria Enemy neighbor nation of Israel that conquered the northern tribes |
Babylonia Enemy neighbor nation of Israel that conquered the southern tribes (Judah) |
Charam Hebrew word meaning to devote wholly to the Lord, or to destroy in devotion to the Lord |
Cisjordan The land of Canaan west of the Jordan River |
Gibeonites People who lived in the heart of Canaan, but deceived Israel into making a peace treaty with them by claiming that they were from outside of Canaan |
Jericho The first city that Israel conquered in Canaan |
Jordan Name of the river bordering Canaan, that the Israelites crossed to enter the Promised Land. |