Sunday, February 16, 2025, 4:46 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: We Believe in Jesus (eJES)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-3
AdamThe first "prophet," who received God’s revelation by walking and talking with Him |
Chalcedon City where a council was held that resulted in a creed that expresses that Jesus was "truly God and truly man," and that His two natures were distinct. |
ChristMeans "Anointed one." Comes from the translation of the Hebrew word "Messiah." |
David Old Testament king of Israel who received the promise that his descendant would sit on the throne and reign forever. |
Depravity Refers to man's sinful nature after the Fall. |
Donkey Animal used by ancient kings during a time of peace |
EconomicTerm that means "relating to household management." It is used to refer to the Trinity when speaking of how the three persons relate to each other. |
Elijah Appeared with Moses at Jesus' transfiguration. |
Eternal counselRefers to God's plans for the universe which were set before His work of creation. |
ForeknowledgeRefers to God's knowledge, prior to creation, of events that would occur in the course of history. |