Thursday, February 6, 2025, 7:15 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: Building Systematic Theology (eBST)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-4
ImmanenceAttribute of God indicating that He is Involved in the universe in space and time |
InductiveKind of logical reasoning that begins by observing particular facts, then draws a probable conclusion |
Inductive GapMissing or weak element in reasoning from particulars to probable conclusions. It may mean failing to take into account possible exceptions or overstating the probability of the conclusion. |
JustificationIt sometimes means a person is declared righteous when he believes in Christ, as in Romans 3:28, and it sometimes means a person is shown to be righteous in his way of life, as in James 2:24. |
Lapsarian QuestionTheological debate that tries to determine the order of the eternal decrees |
MysticismBelief system that emphasizes the need to go beyond reason to receive revelation through spiritual ecstasy |
Neo-PlatonismA philosophical school rooted in Plato, but including new ideas by philosophers such as Plotinus. |
Open TheismView of God that overemphasizes how He interacts with man in space and time, leaving Him less able to control the universe |
OrthodoxyCorrect thinking |
OrthopathosCorrect feeling |