Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 5:40 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: The Book of Acts (eACT)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-3


Old Testament patriarch. Luke taught in Acts that Jesus was the heir to the promises made to him.


Man who, along with his wife Sapphira, lied about the amount of money they had received from the sale of their property when they made a contribution. Both were struck dead as punishment (Acts 5). 


Name of an ancient prologue to the third gospel. It says, "Luke, moved by the Holy Spirit, composed the whole of this Gospel...and afterwards the same Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles."


Name given to Jewish groups from the first century who believed that God would intervene supernaturally to destroy their enemies.


Eloquent Jewish speaker who received instruction in Ephesus from a couple who knew more about Christ, because he only knew of the baptism of John the Baptist


Literally means "one who is sent." It was a special New Testament office held by someone that had been taught by Jesus, who had seen the risen Lord, and had been appointed by God to be a special messenger.


Term used by Dr. Bayer to describe discourse that makes a point more directly