Mentor Meeting #1

During this course you will meet with your mentor to discuss application points for the material covered in the lessons. Those meetings should last one hour and should be led by the mentor. You should be prepared to discuss the topics listed below. Your mentor will choose questions for discussion from the list. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss how to integrate the teachings of the course with the life and ministry of the students.

Suggested topics include:

1) Did anything particularly stand out to you in last week's spiritual formation exercise?

2) Did anything especially call your attention in the studies of the last two weeks?

3) Have you ever gone through the same cycles of the “line of uncertainty” as described in the textbook?

4) What would you say to someone who is struggling with despair, uncertain of finding truth?

5) What area or areas of thought would you like to study more carefully, in order to bring them more in conformity with a biblical worldview?

6) What area or areas of thought do you think need more clear teaching in your church community, in order to bring them more in conformity with a biblical worldview?

7) In what ways have you possibly been "running away from the world" instead of transforming it? In what ways have you possibly been "going with the flow" of the world, compromising your Christian identity?

8) Looking at the descriptions of other worldviews, do you know someone who believes in another religion or another philosophy? Explain what they believe.

9) How have you tried to defend your faith in conversations with non-believers? What have you learned from your experiences?