Mentor Meeting #3

Mentor Meeting #3

Suggested topics include:

1) Did anything particularly stand out to you in last week's spiritual formation exercise?

2) Did anything especially call your attention in the studies of the last two weeks?

3) Have you ever gone through cycles similar to the “line of uncertainty” as described in the textbook?

4) Before becoming a Christian, did you believe in any of the philosophies studied in these lessons? Which? Explain your way of thinking at that time.

5) What were the most important factors in your own conversion? Did you have any particular intellectual obstacles? What were they?

6) Do you think your own spiritual journey now helps you explain the gospel to other people?

7) Is there a philosopher or school of thought studied in The Certainty of the Faith that particularly interested you? Which one? Explain why. If you were not a Christian now, which of the philosophies studied in this chapter would probably express your way of thinking? Explain why.

8)  Has your perspective of the unbeliever changed as a result of reading the first four chapters of The Certainty of the Faith? In what ways?