
This book is a practical workbook for leadership training, with a focus on character. It needs no study guide to accompany it, because it has lots of review questions and exercises.

We recommend studying the book with a pastor or mentor, and in groups if possible.

We recommend that the mentor evaluate the study simply according to the percentage of the review questions and exercises that have been properly answered and filled out.

You may download the PDF version for free here on this site. (Make sure you have created an account and clicked on the link in the margin, "Enrol me in this course.) You may not sell the PDF or any printed version of it.

You may also download the e-book version for free, or purchase a printed version, at the following site:

The author

Dr. Richard Wolfe has been involved in leadership training for most of his life, first as a missionary in the Philippines, where he trained and mentored Filipino church planters, then as a regional director for Latin America for Mission to the World, where he provided spiritual care and training. He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, Lori, and is now pastor of discipleship at Village Seven Presbyterian Church. They have three grown children. Richard earned his Doctorate of Ministry from Columbia International University.

最后修改: 2016年10月24日 Monday 07:16