Glossary for Lessons 1-4
Key terms and names
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M |
MenorahThe seven pronged lamp that was in the Tabernacle | |
MesopotamiaThe region of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers | |
N |
NaturalismThe belief that if spiritual realities exist at all, they have no discernible effect on the visible world, and they have no place in academic research. | |
NephilimStrong warriors known for their violence and exploitation. They appear in Genesis 6, and again in Numbers 13, when Israel sent spies to explore Canaan. | |
P |
PishonName of the first of the four headwaters flowing out of the river from the Garden of Eden. It went through the land of Havilah, where there was gold and onyx. | |
PolytheismThe belief in multiple deities | |
PrototypeThe original form of something that serves as an example for other similar things | |
S |
SabbathDay of rest | |
SethThird son of Adam and Eve | |
ShemSon of Noah, descendant of Seth, father of the Israelites | |