Glossary for Lessons 1-10
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | أ | إ | آ | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي | الكل
A |
AbrahamMan with whom God made a covenant, in which He chose his family to lead humanity into conflict with Satan and his followers, and through whom He began the nation of Israel. | |
AccommodationWhen speaking of divine revelation, it means that God designed the message to be understood by the original audience in their own context. | |
AdamMan with whom God made the covenant of foundations, in which man was to fill and subdue the earth. | |
AllegoricalApproach to interpreting Scripture that interprets people, places, things and events as if they were symbols or metaphors for spiritual truths. | |
AnthropomorphismIt refers to the way God sometimes speaks or behaves in ways that seem almost human. | |
ApplicationIn hermeneutics it refers to appropriately connecting the original meaning of a biblical document to contemporary audiences in ways that impact their concepts, behaviors and emotions. | |
B |
BaconThe "father of modern science" | |
C |
Common GraceGod's non-saving mercy toward all of humanity | |
ConsummationIn speaking of eschatology and the kingdom of God, this term refers to the time when Christ returns and fulfills God's ultimate purpose for all of history. | |
ContinuationIn speaking of eschatology and the kingdom of God, this term refers to the history and extension of the Church through the preaching of the gospel. | |