Glossary for Lessons 1-6
Glossary for Lessons 1-6. SCROLL DOWN to review key names and terms. You may also search for a term by clicking on its first letter below.
استعراض قاموس المصطلحات باستعمال الفهرس
خاص | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | أ | إ | آ | ا | ب | ت | ث | ج | ح | خ | د | ذ | ر | ز | س | ش | ص | ض | ط | ظ | ع | غ | ف | ق | ك | ل | م | ن | ه | و | ي | الكل
1 |
1000Year (approximate) that David began his reign | |
5 |
586Year that Jerusalem fell to Babylon | |
7 |
722Year that Samaria fell to Assyria | |
A |
AbrahamFather of the nation of Israel. Received the covenant promises of many descendants and a special land. | |
AdamFirst man | |
AhistoricalThe approach of studying the prophetical books without taking into account the historical context | |
AmosProphet who told of visions of destruction by locusts and fire | |
AssyriaCountry that conquered the northern tribes of Israel | |
AtomisticThe approach to reading the prophetical books as loosely connected predictions | |
C |