Glossary for Lessons 1-3
Glossary for lessons 1-3. SCROLL DOWN to review key names and terms. You may also search for a term by clicking on its first letter below.
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
Analog Used to describe a quality of thinking where we recognize various degrees of confidence in certain beliefs | |
AnthropologyIn theology, it means the study of the doctrine of man. | |
C |
ChristologyThe doctrine of Christ | |
D |
DeferenceRespectful submission to the judgment of another | |
DordtName of city in Holland where a synod debated the Arminian controversy and decided in favor of the Five Points of Calvinism | |
E |
EcclesiologyThe doctrine of the church | |
EschatologyDoctrine of the end times | |
ExegesisThe process of extracting the proper interpretation of a passage of Scripture | |
G |
GeneralWord used to describe the kind of revelation that comes to all of humanity through nature and history | |
H |
Hermeneutics The study of the proper interpretation of Scripture | |
HodgeLast name of famous theologian from Princeton (1797-1879). First name: Charles. Wrote Systematic Theology. | |
HuguenotsReformed Christians persecuted in France during reformation | |
I |
Illumination The Holy Spirit’s work in giving insight into special revelation | |
Immanence Attribute of God, referring to His closeness to man, especially His kindness, mercy, love, tenderness, patience, and presence | |
K |
Knox Last name of Scottish reformer | |
L |
Logos Greek word (transliteration) for the science, doctrine, or study of something. It also means "word." | |
N |
Niebuhr Last name of theologian that expressed five different positions regarding the relationship between Christians and culture | |
NoeticReferring to the mind, this term is used to categorize the intellectual effects of sin. | |
O |
OrthodoxyRight or straight thinking | |
OrthopathosRight or correct feelings or emotions | |
OrthopraxisRight behavior or practice | |
P |
PneumatologyIn theology, it is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. | |
R |
ReciprocityQuality of affecting each other mutually. | |
ReformedCalvinistic school of theology, with emphasis on transcendency of God, unity of Scripture, and transformation of culture | |
RevelationGod's communication of truth to man. | |
S |
SoteriologyThe doctrine of salvation | |
Special Name given to revelation that is for only certain segments of humanity, and that is especially for the purpose of revealing Christ | |
T |
Theos Greek word for "God" (transliteration) | |
ThomasFirst name of famous theologian from Aquinas who lived during the Middle Ages (1225-1274). He is considered a key theologian by Roman Catholics. Wrote Summa Theologica. | |
TranscendenceAttribute of God, referring to His superiority to man, especially His eternality, immutability, sovereignty, aseity, omnipotence, and omnipresence | |