Glossary for Lessons 1-4

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Name given to those who hold the view that the supernatural gifts that were manifest in the time of the New Testament, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and miraculous healing, continue even today.

Covenant Grace

The forbearance and benefits that God gives to everyone that is part of his covenant people, even if they are not true believers


Bishop of Carthage in the third century. In Epistle 73, he wrote that traditional teachings of the Church should not have more authority than the Scriptures, because the Church can make theological mistakes. In this letter he wrote, "...custom without truth is the antiquity of error."



Term used when speaking theologically of the Trinity in the sense of the particular role that each person has.  In the economic perspective of the Trinity, each person has a unique and distinct role.

El Elyon

Biblical name of God meaning God Most High

El Shaddai

Biblical name of God meaning Almighty God

Ex nihilo

Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing," used to explain that God created everything out of nothing


General Revelation

God’s use of the natural world and its workings to make his existence, nature, presence, actions and will known to all humanity


Early heresy from the first centuries after Christ. Among other things, they believed that material things were evil, including the human body, which was a prison of the human soul. They consequently believed that God would never take on the form of human flesh, and therefore denied that Jesus was both God and man.



Greek term used in the New Testament, usually meaning the abode of wicked souls, but sometimes referring to the place of both the righteous and the wicked.

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