Glossary for Lessons 1-3

Glossary for lessons 1-3. SCROLL DOWN to review key names and terms. You may also search for a term by clicking on its first letter below.

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Ex nihilo

Latin phrase meaning "out of nothing," used to explain that God created everything out of nothing



Early heresy from the first centuries after Christ. Among other things, they believed that material things were evil, including the human body, which was a prison of the human soul. They consequently believed that God would never take on the form of human flesh, and therefore denied that Jesus was both God and man.



Greek term used in the New Testament, usually meaning the abode of wicked souls, but sometimes referring to the place of both the righteous and the wicked


Belief in the existence of many gods, but offering special dedication to one primary god


Theologian from Rome (c 170 – c 236 A.D.). Wrote Against the Heresy of One Noetus, in which he defended the Scriptures as our final authority in doctrine.


Means "person." The term was used in the early centuries after Christ to express the doctrine that the divine nature and the human nature of Christ are united in one "person."

Hypostatic union

Phrase used in early theology to express the doctrine that the divine and human natures of Christ are united in one person



Religion that teaches that Jesus was a true prophet of God, but that He was not crucified or resurrected



Greek word (English transliteration) for ruler, master, Sir



Belief in one true God

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