2025年 02月 12日(Wed) 23:10
網站: Thirdmill Online Courses
課程: Your Kingdom Come (eESC)
詞彙表: Glossary for Lesson 1

cultural mandate

the command in Genesis 1:28 instructing humanity to develop and rule the creation to display God's glory



the study of the last things


Great Commission

Christ's appointment of the eleven faithful apostles as his authoritative representatives and his charge to spread the kingdom of God throughout the whole world (Matthew 28:19-20)


inaugurated eschatology

view of the end times that says the age to come has begun (been "inaugurated"), but hasn't yet come in all its fullness; the "already, not yet"



theological term for "the first gospel" or the first promise of redemption found in Genesis 3:15


the age to come

'olam haba' in Hebrew, a phrase used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the future age of righteousness, love, joy and peace that would follow the exile; time when all of God's purposes will be fulfilled; also known as “the last days,” “the kingdom of God,” and "the age of a new covenant"

this age

'olam hazeh' in Hebrew, a phrase used by rabbis and leaders in Israel to describe the present age of sin, suffering and death



in the Ancient Near East, a king or nation that must submit to a more powerful emperor or king (suzerain)