Thursday, February 6, 2025, 8:51 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: The Book of Revelation (eREV)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-3
PatmosIsland where the Book of Revelation was probably written while the author was in exile |
PergamumThe church from Asia Minor that failed to reject the Nicolaitans |
PostmillennialismView of eschatology that believes Jesus will return to establish the eternal kingdom after reigning from heaven. This reign from heaven is the "millennium," not literally a thousand years, but a period of expansion of the Church and improvement of the entire earth. |
PremillennialismView of eschatology that believes Jesus will return before reigning 1,000 years on the earth |
PreterismView of how the prophecies of the Book of Revelation are fulfilled. It considers that most prophecies were fulfilled in the distant past. |
ProphecyThe literary genre of the Book of Revelation |