Thursday, February 13, 2025, 9:09 PM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament HD (eKOThd)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-2
AaronBrother of Moses. His family was selected to serve in the specialized office of priest. |
AccommodateTerm used to explain how an infinite God speaks to us in finite terms. He must adapt His communication so that we can understand it. |
DevelopmentalTerm used to describe one of the tendencies that people exhibit when comparing the OT to the NT and making epochal adjustments. This tendency looks at both the continuity and the changes between the OT and the NT. The whole OT is relevant, but must be applied in the light of the NT. |
EdenName of the Garden where Adam and Eve lived before the Fall. It means "plain" or "steppe." |
FlattenedTerm used to describe one of the tendencies that people exhibit when comparing the OT to the NT and making epochal adjustments. This tendency focuses on the continuity between the OT and the NT. If the NT does not mention a change, we should follow the OT as closely as possible. |
JacobIsaac’s son who continued the line of descent and became the familial head of the twelve tribes of Israel |
MechanicalTerm used to describe a false view of the inspiration of the Bible. It would mean, as some people believe incorrectly, that the Holy Spirit used the authors of Scripture simply as passive conduits of information. |
OrganicTerm used to describe the kind of inspiration used to compose the Bible. It means that the Holy Spirit employed the personalities, experiences, and intentions of the human authors to communicate His truth. |
RomanticTerm used to describe an erroneous view of biblical inspiration. It would mean, as some people believe incorrectly, simply that the Holy Spirit motivated the biblical writers to say lofty religious things. |
SegmentedTerm used to describe one of the tendencies that people exhibit when comparing the OT to the NT and making epochal adjustments. This tendency stresses the differences between the OT era and our own day. If the NT does not mention it, we do not need to apply it. |