Sunday، 2 June 2024، 7:39 AM
الموقع: Thirdmill Online Courses
المقرر الدراسي: Building Biblical Theology (eBBT)
قاموس المصطلحات: Glossary for Lessons 1-4


Name given to category of covenants made with Abraham, Moses, and David


Name given to describe the relationship between the different covenants as they develop throughout Bible history


Theological name given to something in Scripture that represents a future reality


Theological name given to something in Scripture that fulfills a previous representation

New Testament

Synonymous with New Covenant


Term used in theology for the study of the last things

This age

Phrase understood by the Jews of the first century to mean the present period of negative circumstances

That age

Phrase understood by the Jews of the first century to mean a never ending period of blessing and triumph over evil


Name given to first century Jewish sects that expected an abrupt divine intervention to establish the age to come


Name given to first century Jewish sect that believed the age to come would arise as the Jews rose up militarily against the Roman rulers


Name given to first century Jewish sects that believed the last days would come when Israel became faithful to the law of Moses

Ordo Salutis

In theology, it is the study of the application of salvation to individuals.

Historia Salutis

In theology, it is the study of the accomplishment of salvation in history.


Hebrew word (transliteration) for "expanse." It means literally a flattened solid material.


According to G. Ernest Wright, this term (in German it is written with the ending "-ie" instead of this Latin version) refers the actual history of real events, as opposed to the pious story-telling found in the Scriptures.