2024年 07月 16日(Tue) 04:56
網站: Thirdmill Online Courses
課程: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation (eHGB)
詞彙表: Glossary for Lessons 1-10


Approach to knowledge that believes it is possible to arrive at impartial knowledge


View of inspiration that believes that the Holy Spirit used the personalities, experiences, outlooks, and intentions of human authors as he supervised and directed their writing


One of the most famous early Christian teachers who was heavily influenced by the allegorical method of interpretation of Scripture, and who lived from 185 to 254 A.D. He divided the meaning of Scripture in two categories: literal and spiritual.

Original Meaning

Phrase used in this course to mean the concepts, behaviors, and emotions that the divine and human writers jointly intended a biblical document to communicate to its first audience.