2024年07月16日 Tuesday 07:18
站点: Thirdmill Online Courses
课程: We Believe in the Holy Spirit (eSPR)
词汇表: Glossary for Lessons 1-4

Inward leading

a divine gift of knowledge or understanding that is primarily emotive or intuitive


John Owen

the Puritan writer and theologian who lived from 1616 to 1683 and spoke of the Holy Spirit's creative power in his book, "A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit"


in systematic theology, God's legal declaration acquitting a sinner from the guilt of his or her sin and crediting him or her with the righteousness of Christ


Mechanical inspiration

the belief that the Holy Spirit so controlled the human authors that the men had little to no creative input into Scripture (also called "dictation theory")


Natural revelation

knowledge of God that comes through the ordinary workings of the natural world and providence, including every creature, object, substance and principle in creation



the perspective on the Trinity that refers to being and existence

Ordo salutis

the order of salvation, or the logical and chronological order in which the Holy Spirit applies the various aspects of salvation to individual believers

Organic inspiration

the belief that appeals to the natural writing process of Scripture's human authors, using their own ideas, words and personalities, while holding to the idea that the Holy Spirit superintended their writings in ways that ensured they would say what he wanted them to say, and that prevented them from falling into error



the study of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity


in systematic theology, the Holy Spirit's continuous, gracious work of ensuring that believers persevere in faith until their salvation is complete