Saturday, June 1, 2024, 3:38 PM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation (eHGB)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-6

Original Meaning

Phrase used in this course to mean the concepts, behaviors, and emotions that the divine and human writers jointly intended a biblical document to communicate to its first audience.



Writer from Alexandria who is considered to be the originator of the allegorical approach to interpreting Scripture



In early roman society it was a chariot drawn by four horses. In hermeneutics, it referred to an interpretive approach that considered a passage of Scripture to have four distinct meanings.



View of inspiration that believes that Scripture isn’t God’s infallible truth, but only the personal reflections and opinions of the human authors


Sensus Literalis

The theologians of the Middle Ages in Europe used this term to speak of the original meaning of Scripture. Thomas Aquinas made a distinction between this and the "allegorical" sense.


In hermeneutics, this term is used to explain how we can progressively gain a better understanding of Scripture as we continue to dialog with the text. 


School of thought whose proponents tried to use rational and scientific objectivity to obtain an exhaustive understanding of everything they studied.


Approach to knowledge that believes that knowledge is always influenced by personal biases, making impartial objectivity impossible