Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 4:18 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: Building Biblical Theology (eBBT)
Glossary: Glossary for Lesson 1


Name of the philosophical concept that proposes that every aspect of reality is caught up in a rational historical process


Last name of theologian who gave an address at the University of Altdorf (Germany) in 1787, considered to be the beginning of the modern study of Biblical Theology


Name of modern philosopher that proposed that every aspect of reality is caught up in a rational historical process


According to G. Ernest Wright, this term refers to the pious history-telling found in the Scriptures, as opposed to the actual history of real events.


According to G. Ernest Wright, this term (in German it is written with the ending "-ie" instead of this Latin version) refers the actual history of real events, as opposed to the pious story-telling found in the Scriptures.


Last name of theologian who proposed that Biblical Theology ascertains and states the facts of Scripture, while Systematic Theology takes those facts and finds their relationship, showing their harmony and consistency. He believed that the Bible is authoritative. 1797-1878


Theologian who asserted that Biblical Theology does the work from which Systematic Theology (Dogmatics) grows. He believed that there are different theologies in Scripture, but there is a common thread with a focus on the history of redemption. 1862-1949


Last name of theologian who believed that Biblical Theology discerns the various theologies presented in Scripture. He believed that the Bible has its own logical arrangement of data, presented in a different way according to each author, but all are in harmony. 1851-1921


Last name of theologian who asserted that Biblical theology is the confessional recital of the acts of God in a particular history, along with the response to them. He believed that most of the history recorded in Scripture is fictional, but describes sentiments that we should have. 1909-1974.