Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 6:55 AM
Site: Thirdmill Online Courses
Course: The Apostles' Creed (eAPC)
Glossary: Glossary for Lessons 1-5


When used in theology in reference to God, it means that He is the only true God.

Sola Scriptura

Latin phrase meaning "Scripture alone," one of the basic principles of the Reformation


All the inner, non-physical aspects of our being

Special Revelation

God’s direct involvement, or his use of messengers, to make his existence, nature, presence, actions and will known to limited portions of humanity


Early Christian writer (160-220 A.D.) from Carthage. (His name is written in several different ways, sometimes ending in "-us.") He referred to the "Roman Creed" by this name around 200 A.D.

Undifferentiated monad

Term used to describe the belief that god is absolutely one, with no distinction between persons

Visible Church

Everyone who is regularly part of the gathered church, those who publicly profess faith in Christ


Biblical name of God meaning Lord. Derives from "I AM" in Hebrew. It is the most intimate name of God, a proper name, used as early as the time of Seth.