
This book teaches the basic principles of Christian education. Since it includes exercises in the back of the book ("Lesson Plans"), it needs no separate study guide.

We recommend studying the book with a pastor or mentor, and in groups if possible.

We recommend that the mentor evaluate a Bible study lesson (written or taught) in order to measure the student's learning.

See the link to purchase the book.

Review on

"As I began to read Dr. Hendricks book, I became aware of many implications and ideas that he so brilliantly recommended in our ability to teach with the purpose of changing lives that have given me a completely new and encouraging perspective in the way that I continue to learn and teach others with purpose throughout my life." - on

The author:
Howard G. Hendricks is distinguished professor and chairman of the Center for Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books and has been widely published in periodicals such as Decision, Moody, and Christianity Today. Dr. Hendricks has served on the boards of numerous ministries, including Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, Promise Keepers, The Navigators, and Multnomah Bible College. (
最后修改: 2016年09月21日 Wednesday 10:11